Seminario Hostfilm, Universidad de Valladolid

Cine Europeo y Hospitalidad: Empatía, Hospitalidad, Esperanza

Project member Mónica Fernandez hosts a Hostfilm Seminar under the title “Empatía, Hospitalidad, Esperanza” (“Empathy, Hospitality, Hope”). Project members Jorge Diego (USAL), Patricia San José (UVA) and Paula Barba (USAL) will lead some of the sessions, together with guests speakers from Universidad Complutense (Madrid) and Universidad de Oviedo.

Film Series: Hospitalidad en el cine europeo II: Eco-hospitalidad, 2019-20

In collaboration with Cines Van Dyck, Salamanca, the Project Hospitality in European Cinema organized a second film series which featured four films dealing with issues of ecological hospitality.



Radio Podcast: On Spanish National Radio, Radio 3

Project members collaborated on the recording of radio podcasts for the programme “Sin Distancias” aired on national radio RADIO 3 where the project, screenings and socio-pedagogic outcomes of Hospitality and European Film were presented to monitor its impact on society and different systems of education across Europe.


Film Series: Hospitalidad en el cine europeo, 2018-19

In collaboration with Cines Van Dyck, Salamanca, the Project Hospitality in European Cinema organized a film series which featured four films for a wide audience, with introductory presentations by different member of the project.


Seminar at Maynooth University (Ireland)

The seminar “Hospitality/’Hostipitality’: Tensions and Contradictions in the reception and treatment of migrants in the University, Ireland and Europe” was celebrated on Monday, 9th March, 2020, 9am-4.30pm at the MUSSI Seminar Room. Co-organised by Project Member Barry Cannon (Dept of Sociology, Maynooth University) and Malene Jacobsen (Dept of Geography, Maynooth University), the seminar served as a bridge among scholars, social agents, filmmakers and students to discuss how migration and university operate in relation to access of students, presence in syllabus, challenges for graduates and future targets shared by society, lecturers, filmmakers and society. Participation saw more than 30 people from different countries, professions and ages.
