Prof. Jorge Diego Presents the Syllabus at International Seminar

Introduction of Syllabus and its Uses for HUMAN RIGHTS

Project Member Jorge Diego Sánchez presented the uses of the Film Analysis / Syllabus to assess the representation of asylum seekers to gainful employment in the 5th International Conference “New Dimensions of Human Rights” ( celebrated at Universidade Portucalense (Oporto, Portugal) from July 15th until July 17th , 2019. He was part of a panel commissioned by the International Seminar of the Contemporary History of Human Rights (Seminario Internacional de la Historia Contemporánea de los Derechos Humanos, based at University of Salamanca). His contribution was entitled “Hospitality, Hostility and Access to Gainful Employment: Representations in European Cinema (2009-2018)”. He presented the analysis about Pioret’s Welcome (2009) ( and Inárritu’s Biutiful (2010) ( in comparison to the particularities of Audieard’s Dheepan (2015) and Haq’s What Will People Say (2017) to reinforce the reading of films as key to understand new dimension of Human Rights in the contemporary context.

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